About Secondbrain

Secondbrain is an online note-taking web application designed with a focus on simplicity and speed. It helps you jot down any ideas quickly and effortlessly. Secondbrain was developed by Taruna Wahyudi, a software engineer from Indonesia.

Inspiration Behind Secondbrain

The idea for Secondbrain was born out of necessity when I reached my usage limit on Notion, and the subscription cost became prohibitively expensive. Thus, Secondbrain was created as a free alternative accessible to the public.

User Empowerment

One of the core philosophies of Secondbrain is user empowerment. Users can manage their storage rental from any provider, granting them the freedom to scale and develop Secondbrain as they see fit. Being an open-source software, anyone can contribute to its growth and enhancement.

Tech Stack

Secondbrain is built using a variety of modern technologies, including Next.js, Tailwind CSS, TypeScript, Convex, Clerk, Edgestore, and many more.

Support Secondbrain

If you appreciate my work on Secondbrain, you can show your support by donating through the Buy Me a Coffee button below

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Get in Touch

If you're interested in collaborating or have any inquiries, feel free to reach out to me via email at: wahyuditaruna97@gmail.com